Monday, February 17, 2025

The Myth of Sikh Oppression in India: Exposing Khalistani Propaganda

by Parminder Singh Sodhi

In recent years, the Khalistani movement has sought to propagate a false narrative of Sikh oppression in India. This movement, largely fueled by diaspora-based organizations and foreign political influences, has attempted to portray Sikhs as a marginalized community in India. However, this claim does not hold up against the reality on the ground.

Sikhs are among the most respected and prosperous communities in India. They hold influential positions across politics, business, the military, and various sectors of Indian society. The notion that Sikhs are oppressed is a dangerous distortion of history and contemporary reality. While the tragic events of 1984 remain a dark chapter, they were not a reflection of systemic discrimination against Sikhs but rather the result of a volatile political crisis, in which both militants and the state played a role.

Contrary to Khalistani propaganda, it was Sikh militants—not the Indian state—who inflicted the most suffering on the Sikh community itself during the height of terrorism in Punjab in the 1980s and 1990s. Thousands of innocent Sikhs were killed by Khalistani extremists, who sought to impose their radical ideology on Punjab. It was the brave Sikh community of Punjab that stood up against these militants, ultimately defeating them and restoring peace to the region.

Despite this history, some Western nations, including Canada, have become enablers of the Khalistani movement. This is not merely an issue of free speech; it is a matter of national security for both India and the countries that unwittingly harbor these extremist elements. Khalistani groups have infiltrated Canadian government institutions, law enforcement agencies, and even security services, influencing policies that destabilize Indo-Canadian relations. The Canadian state, in particular, appears to be losing control, as it tolerates and sometimes even supports the Khalistani cause under the guise of human rights.

Moreover, the Khalistani movement has increasingly aligned itself with Islamist organizations in the West. This is ironic, given that historically, Sikhism emerged in direct resistance to religious oppression by Islamist rulers. Today, however, Khalistani extremists are finding common cause with radical elements who share an anti-India agenda, further exposing the movement’s hypocrisy.

It is crucial to differentiate between Sikhs and Khalistanis. The vast majority of Sikhs in India and around the world do not support the idea of Khalistan. They are proud Indians who reject the divisive and regressive agenda of separatists. However, the Khalistani narrative thrives on misinformation and political patronage, particularly in countries where it has managed to infiltrate key institutions.

India remains home to millions of Sikhs who continue to thrive, contribute, and shape the country’s future. It is time to call out the Khalistani movement for what it truly is: a foreign-sponsored attempt to revive a long-defeated separatist agenda through false victimhood and propaganda. The world must recognize this and ensure that support for such extremist elements does not jeopardize international security and the hard-earned peace in Punjab.

Parminder Singh Sodhi

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