Major Drug Seizures and Drone Uncovered in Amritsar: Authorities Crack Down on Cross-Border Smuggling

by Antariksh Singh

In a significant breakthrough, the Amritsar (Rural) police successfully seized over two kilograms of narcotics smuggled from Pakistan in two separate operations on Friday, further intensifying their crackdown on cross-border drug trafficking. Alongside the illicit substances, law enforcement also discovered a drone believed to be involved in facilitating these illegal activities.

According to SSP Amritsar (Rural) Satinder Singh, the intelligence that led to these operations came from a tip-off indicating Mahinder Singh’s involvement in cross-border drug peddling with links to Pakistan-based smugglers. Mahinder Singh, a resident of Bhagupur Bet village, allegedly used drones as a tool to carry out his illicit activities.

In the first operation, the police descended upon Mahinder Singh’s residence on Vehra road, acting on the information received. Authorities uncovered 1.6 kilograms of heroin cleverly concealed in the cattle shed of his house. The successful operation led to Mahinder Singh’s arrest, and a case was promptly registered against him under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.

Simultaneously, in another operation, a joint effort by the police and the Border Security Force (BSF) was carried out at Maude village along the border. This collaboration resulted in the discovery of a drone believed to be instrumental in facilitating cross-border smuggling. Additionally, authorities seized approximately 519 grams of heroin during the operation. Cases have been registered under both the NDPS Act and the Aircraft Act at the Gharinda police station in connection with this incident.

The coordinated efforts of law enforcement agencies highlight the increasing sophistication of smuggling operations, with criminals exploiting advanced technology to evade traditional detection methods. The seizure of narcotics and the drone underscore the challenges faced by authorities in curbing cross-border illegal activities.

Speaking on the operations, SSP Satinder Singh emphasized the commitment of the Amritsar (Rural) police to dismantling networks involved in drug trafficking and ensuring the safety and security of the region. He urged citizens to remain vigilant and collaborate with law enforcement to combat the menace of cross-border smuggling.

The successful operations mark a significant victory for the Amritsar (Rural) police and demonstrate their dedication to maintaining law and order in the region. As investigations unfold, authorities are expected to delve deeper into the networks that enable such activities, aiming to dismantle them at their roots.

Antariksh Singh

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