Friday, February 21, 2025

American Sikh Majority Rejects Khalistan Violence: US Congressman Krishnamoorthi

by Antariksh Singh

The resurgence of the Khalistan movement, primarily on social media, and in some countries such as Canada, the US, UK, and Australia, has sparked significant concerns, especially after the recent attacks on the Indian consulate in San Francisco. Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, a prominent US representative, offered insights on the potential threats presented by Khalistani activists in an in-depth discussion.

Krishnamoorthi, who has previously voiced his condemnation of the consulate assault, was questioned about the growing frequency of such attacks. In the face of the attacks not being isolated events, with instances reported in the UK where the Prime Minister has Indian ancestry, and tensions spilling over to the West Coast of the US, the impact of the Khalistan movement is a subject of increased concern.

In response, Krishnamoorthi firmly maintained that Khalistanis constitute a tiny segment of the population. The few extremist Khalistanis, he argues, are not representative of the broader sentiments of Sikh Americans. He is confident that the overwhelming majority of Sikh Americans, and Indian Americans at large, would not condone or support the violence and hostility disseminated by this marginal group.

Addressing fears surrounding possible financial support and the escalating tensions between nations due to Khalistani activism, Krishnamoorthi underscored the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully. He strongly denounced any form of hostility and violence, referencing a recent flyer advertising a rally with provocative language, notably the phrase “Kill India.”

Interview by The New Indian
Antariksh Singh

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