Sikhs Cannot Be Involved in Anti-National Activities

by Sudeep Singh

Sikh communities around the world have always worked to bring pride and honor to their nation and community. History testifies that wherever Sikhs have lived, they have remained loyal to that country, contributing to its progress and development. At the same time, their hearts are filled with love and patriotism for India. As a result, Sikhs are today holding prestigious positions in countries across the globe.

However, a handful of people with Khalistani ideology, who can be counted on fingers, engage in tarnishing the image of their own country to serve their selfish motives. They forget that such actions not only defame the nation but also bring disrepute to the Sikh community. No ordinary Sikh has ever supported Khalistan, nor can they ever do so.

To expand their numbers, these individuals often target unemployed Indian youth who have migrated to Canada. By offering false promises and telling fabricated stories, they instill hatred for India in the minds of these youngsters, leading them to follow the misguided path. However, these people forget that from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Guru Gobind Singh Ji, all Sikh Gurus have taught Sikhs to never betray their country. A person who does so cannot truly be called a Sikh.

Recently, certain individuals residing in Canada have been observed engaging in actions that Sikhism can never endorse. Despite donning Sikh attire, they organize protests against India, waving Khalistani flags. They have even started demanding the closure of the Indian Embassy, an act that no Indian can tolerate.

Intellectuals from the Sikh community in India believe that the Canadian government must adopt a strict stance against these individuals. Otherwise, the day might come when these very people turn against the Canadian government itself. Sikhs are renowned for their spirit of service, often reaching places where even governments cannot. Yet, the actions of a few such individuals tarnish the reputation of the entire Sikh community.

It is important to note that such individuals are not confined to the Sikh community alone. Similar mindsets exist in other religions too, where people exploit these situations to defame Sikhs. Sometimes, these individuals even disguise themselves in Sikh attire to carry out such activities.

Therefore, all Sikhs must understand this deeply and ensure that their youth are kept away from those who harbor anti-national intentions. Instilling patriotism in children from a young age is crucial to protecting them from such influences.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of Khalsa Vox or its members.

Sudeep Singh


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