Don’t Malign Sikhs in the Name of Khalistan

by Sudeep Singh

History bears witness that no ordinary Sikh has ever demanded Khalistan or desired its creation. If Sikhs had wanted Khalistan, they could have claimed it during India’s partition when Hindus were given India and Muslims were given Pakistan. However, they chose not to because Sikhs have always shared a bond of brotherhood with Hindus—a bond that has endured through time and will continue to do so, unbroken by any force in the world.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught the message of “Avval Allah Noor Upaya” (God created all beings from the same light), and Guru Gobind Singh Ji emphasized “Manas Ki Jaat Sabhai Ek Pehchanbo” (Recognize the entire human race as one). All Sikh Gurus inspired humanity to live in unity, transcending religion, caste, and creed.

Unfortunately, today, a few individuals abroad, who claim to be Sikhs but lack the essence of Sikh principles and values, are tarnishing the image of the entire Sikh community by raising the demand for Khalistan under the influence of certain agencies. Recently, one such individual in Canada made the reprehensible statement that Hindus should leave the country. This statement has been widely condemned by Sikhs worldwide.

Amanjit Singh Bakshi, National President of Sikh Brotherhood International, and General Secretary Gunjeet Singh Bakshi stated that although such people do not deserve a response, some within India amplify the rhetoric of such extremists, thereby unjustly targeting the Sikh community. History, however, is a testament to the unparalleled patriotism of Sikhs. From India’s independence struggle to the present day, Sikhs have made countless sacrifices for the nation. Thousands of Sikh soldiers continue to guard the country’s borders.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when governments and major organizations struggled to fulfill their responsibilities, Sikhs selflessly risked their lives to provide oxygen and free food to thousands, saving countless lives without discriminating against anyone’s religion or caste.

It is crucial for people to understand this and refrain from making generalizations about the Sikh community based on the actions of a few who demand Khalistan from abroad. For Sikhs, the unity and integrity of the country come first, and no true disciple of the Gurus will ever allow this bond to be broken.

Sudeep Singh


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